When I was little, whenever I would cry, my dad (a Coug alum) would bounce me on his knee and hum the WSU Fight Song to calm me down. It worked every time. Maybe that's why I smile when I hear the Coug anthem. It holds a special place in my heart not only because I'm now a WSU alum, but also because it reminds me of my wonderful and loving dad.
So in honor of my dad and the upcoming Dad's weekend at WSU, I've put together a compilation of some of the cutest, funnest, greatest renditions of the WSU Fight Song.
From the mouths of babes. This little cutie proves that Coug spirit isn’t just for adults.
Does it get any better than hearing the fight song from WSU’s very own marching band?
Pom poms make any fight song better…
You have to respect any group of friends that would request the WSU fight song at a dueling piano bar.
What are your favorite renditions of the WSU Fight Song? Let us know in the comments!